Top 5 successful Female Engineers and their contribution

Top 5 successful Female Engineers and their contribution

Success is not at all about positive results in one shot. It is about all those difficult to take steps taken repeatedly. No doubt such steps are difficult to be taken. The foremost doubt is the guarantee of being successful or not.

Rising above such confusions and doubts, here is what being successful actually means

  • Being able to live our dreams
  • Lead a happy and peaceful life
  • Being able to find self-worth and self-identity
  • Living a life of values and principles
  • Reaching one’s goals, aims and visions

History talks about few ladies who did well in their field. These all are outstanding. Their zeal to achieve something was greater than their setbacks and fears put together!


  1. Edith Clarke

Edith is well remembered as the first female engineer. She used the inheritance from her deceased parents to continue her studies. She studied mathematics and completed college.

Post her graduation, Edith invented the Clarke calculator. Her invention was helpful. It helped to save a lot of time and efforts. Before Clarke calculator, problems were solved manually.

She never gave up trying to secure a position at General Electric. Leading her to become the first engineer. She also went ahead to be the first female professor of electrical engineering in America. This is when she got hired at UT Austin.


  1. Marissa Mayer

Marissa bags the honor to be the first lady who joined Google. She also secures position to be the first female CEO of Yahoo, a Fortune 500 company.

Over the years Marissa has contributed a lot to Google apps and Google flagships programs. She was offered Yahoo’s CEO position. This was, post her contributions in designing Gmail, Google homepage, Chrome, Google Earth, etc.


  1. Ada Lovelace

Ada recognized the potential of the Analytical Engine. She was the one who claimed its use as a computer-like device. Born in the 19th century, Ada could be called as the first computer programing courses in Dubai Even much before the computer was invented!

Even being a legitimate child, she was rejected by her father, Lord Byron. That time she was 5 weeks old. Her mother made her pursue mathematics and logics. She did her best to keep Ada away from poetry and other artistic interests.

Later she met Charles Babbage, a mathematician and mechanical engineer. He was working on the Analytical Engine (the first mechanical computer). Ada’s obsession with the machine led to possible discoveries of Analytical Engine’s other purposes.


  1. Hedy Lamarr

Hedy is well known as a brilliant actor and an inventor. She helped by devising a method to encrypt signals. This helped to prevent enemy spies from knowing sensitive information pieces. She helped in inventing wireless communication.

Hedy helped by devising a brilliant strategy during World War II. She invented a way for the command signal to jump off various frequencies. Preventing anyone from following the signal.

Navy chose not to use her invention. The invention was dismissed for a while until Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth was being used by mankind.


  1. Patricia Bath

Patricia is the one to develop cutting edge technology in cataracts removal. She became the first one to complete a residency in ophthalmology.

She is also the first African American to receive a medical patent in 1988 for her invention of the Laser-Phaco Probe. It is a cataract curing technology, advancement in laser technology.

She restored the eyesight of patients who were unable to see for over 30 years. Helping countless patients and people, her findings contributed a lot to African Americans’ rights.